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News Headlines

Table - News Headlines

This widget displays the latest news headlines for each of your stock holdings, allowing you to stay informed about important updates and market trends related to your investments.

Key Features:

  1. Ticker Selection:
    • All Ticker: Displays headlines for all tickers in your portfolio.
    • Individual Ticker Selection: Allows you to filter news by specific tickers.
  2. Headline Display:
    • Shows the stock ticker, company logo, publication time, and a brief news headline.
  3. Read More:
    • Clicking "more" under each headline expands the brief to display the full content of the news within the widget.
  4. Open Source:
    • Clicking on the headline opens the source webpage in a new browser tab, providing the full article directly from the publisher's website.


  • Stay Updated: Quickly glance through the latest news affecting your stock holdings to stay updated on market developments.
  • Detailed Information: Use the "more" button to read the full news content within the widget without navigating away.
  • Deep Dive: For more comprehensive details, click the headline to read the full article on the publisher's site.

This widget is essential for investors who want to stay informed about their investments and the factors influencing.